Hemp 101

Hemp 101 Certificate


ASU’s Hemp 101 Certificate provides an overall understanding of the the hemp plant in terms of its agricultural and economic use. This program will cover the basics of history, anatomy, growth, and cultivation, as well as its legal and social implications. This program concludes with discussion of Hemp’s CBD applications and uses. Students will receive hands on experience of working with the plant in the field to gain skills that can be used their career.


Laws & Regulations, Field Work Preparation, Medical Terminology, Seed Selection & Planting, Field Work Crop Maintenance, CBD’s, Field Work Harvesting


16 weeks
8 hour/week minimum



Course Syllabus

Hemp 101 Certificate Program

Preparatory Procedures

Review all Glossary terms. The Hemp plant is to many Americans, a foreign agricultural plant which is accompanied by a foreign language of medical terminology. It is important to know and understand the terms and its history. Industrial hemp was first domesticated 10,000 years ago; was required in 1619 to be grown by all farmers in Jamestown, Virginia; was legal tender in America and accepted as payment for taxes from 1631 to the early 1800’s; was a cash crop grown on the plantations of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson; was grown in America and regulated by the Department of Agriculture until 1937; and was the domestic source of maritime rope during the 1942 to 1945 World War II ‘‘Hemp for Victory’’ campaign. Industrial hemp provided the ropes and sails for Christopher Columbus’ ships and the paper on which the Declaration of Independence was first drafted. Industrial hemp has been used to produce more than 25,000 products.



Weeks 1 & 2


Industrial Hemp 101










Text: Handbook

Compliance, Laws, Regulations, Licensing, C.U.P.’s, Permits, & Legal Exemptions

Practical Application Questions & Answers

Introduction to the botany, biology and agronomy of the hemp plant, and the origins, historical contexts and implications of contemporary legal and social issues surrounding its use for food, fiber, and building products. Taught via E-Campus only. (Certification Core Course) 

Instructor: Dr. Roger Agajanian JD

Weeks  3 & 4    

Field Work, Field Evaluation & Preparation

Meet at the Holt Hemp Project location. Check in with Mr. William Bills

Instructors: Mr. Glen Burgin & Mr. William Bills

Study Record Due

Study Record Summary of Weeks 1-4 Due Monthly  18 hours per week minimum

Weeks  5 & 6

Practical Application Questions & Answers

Medical Terminology 
•Basic Word Structure •The Skeletal and Muscular Systems •The Cardiovascular System •The Blood, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems •The Respiratory System •The Digestive and Endocrine Systems •The Urinary and Reproductive Systems •The Nervous System •The Integumentary System and Special Senses •Glossary of Medical Terms 

Instructor: Dr. Allen Herman MD, PHD

Weeks  7 & 8

Field Work Seed Selection & Planting

Meet at the Holt Hemp Project location. Check in with Mr. William Bills

Instructors: Mr. Glen Burgin & Mr. William Bills

Study Record Due

Study Record Due Monthly  Summary of Weeks 5-8 Due Monthly  18 hours per week minimum

 Weeks  9 & 10

Practical Application Questions & Answers

The Science of Soils.

Crop Creation & Maintenance

Instructor: Mr. William Bills

Weeks 11 & 12

Field Work Crop Maintenance Pests & Diseases

Meet at the Holt Hemp Project location. Check in with Mr. William Bills

Instructors: Mr. Glen Burgin & Mr. William Bills

Study Record Due

Study Record Due Monthly  Summary of Weeks 9-12 Due Monthly  18 hours per week minimum

Weeks  13 & 14

CBD’s & its effects on Immunotherapy

Innate and Adaptive Immunity, Biologically Significant Molecules, Cells and Cell properties. Exposure to Antigens, How to Identify Cells, how to recognize T Lymphocytes, and B Lymphocytes.. Know this will put you into a professional category with exceptional knowledge that most in the natural health do not possess. This course is “a must” of all who intend to enter the health care field.   


Genetics of Immunoglobulin Diversity, Immunoglobulins Allotypes and Idiotypes, T-cell Receptor Diversity, Cellular Interactions and Cytokines, Humoral Immune Response, Cell-Mediate Immunity, and the Classical Pathway and Membrane Attack Unit are discussed. This last part delves into Passive Immunity, Active Immunity, Immune System Responses, Immunity at Surfaces, Effects of Antibodies, Cell-Mediate Immune 

Instructor: Dr. Allen Herman MD, PHD

Weeks  15 & 16

Field Work Harvesting, Transportation & Disposal

Meet at the Holt Hemp Project location. Check in with Mr. William Bills

Instructors: Mr. Glen Burgin & Mr. William Bills

Study Record Due

Study Record Due Monthly  Summary of Weeks 13-16 Due Monthly  18 hours per week minimum


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